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How to Talk to Your Loved One When Considering an Assisted Living Facility

Many older adults are not comfortable with the notion of being in an assisted living facility. They fear that their loved ones will abandon them. They worry about being away from home. Others think that seniors admitted to long-term care facilities don’t have proper recreation time. It is often hard to discuss the decision that a loved one may need a higher level of care.

Present Well Researched Housing Options in Positive Manner

The first step in talking to a loved one about the options in long-term care he or she may need is to find out more information. That means finding out about the various types of assisted living. Researching communities to ensure the services they need are provided in a safe in home-like environment is a key aspect to making your loved one feel more comfortable.

A loved one’s physician should be consulted on all such important matters since his or her professional opinion matters the most. Especially concerning their health care and any existed conditions. Talking to an agency staff member of an assisted living facility about options and concerns could also shed light on other issues. This type of initial contact is important to ensure all the needs of you loved one’s health related issue can be met properly.

Enlist the Services of a Counselor

When the younger family members find it hard to talk to their elderly relatives, then they may need to seek help from a professional. If you need help understanding how to talk to your parents, then a therapist might be useful. Some wonderful psychotherapists can help with complex relationships between aging loved ones, and even guide the conversations in a productive way that makes everyone feel safe.

There are many support groups for the adult children of parents who are getting older. These groups are a great place to share your fears and learn from others who have been through what you are going through. There is no shortage of answers about talking to your loved one when it comes to living in an assisted living facility, and requiring a higher level of care than they are currently receiving.

Help Them Understand How Life Will be Easier

Long-term care is something most adult children understand. They may be aware of it even as children. Some of their friends had parents who are aging and live or lived in an assisted living facility, and many have certainly been through the process with a grandparent. It’s important to frame the conversation in a way that puts a loved one at ease, by focusing on the features and help they will receive beyond what is currently available to them.

It Should Be Done with Sensitivity

Elderly parents may have many good notions about assisted living and nursing homes. Still, they are likely confused about the role of caregivers. And whether they can provide the level of personal attention that the elderly person requires. A great idea is for anyone have these conversations is to sit down with their loved one and focus on the person’s feelings and needs, and then ask the right questions. Determine a realistic daily or long-term care plan that everyone is comfortable with, that the facility is also aligned with.

The tone must be professional and informative. The conversation should not be personal but based on common knowledge, requests, and situations. This does not mean that the conversations have to be negative or impatient. If a loved one’s health declined there might be a genuine concern for them. Discussing their desires, wishes, and concerns in a mature and non-judgmental way is always beneficial.

Be Honest

This means having a heart-to-heart conversation about the reality of the situation. As well as fears about the aging process. Elderly parents may feel overwhelmed by the sudden changes that come with aging. They may also worry that someone they love may not be able to take care of them as well.

They may feel frustrated because they are not receiving any instruction on caring for themselves or their loved ones. Or they may fear that someone they know may end up dead or disoriented because of the stress and confusion caused by advanced aging. No matter the elderly relatives ‘ fears or frustrations, their needs should be prioritized in their discussions.

Your tone should be compassionate and confident. You may want to share with them some positive stories about living in an assisted living facility. However, do not sugarcoat what they will find in an assisted living facility. The tone of your voice and your body language will convey your true intention to the aging loved ones.

The Final Decision is Theirs

This is the time when you need to make sure that you are not pushing your loved one to sign a contract for assisted living. They have the right to decline or accept. The last thing you want is for them to be too comfortable and take this lightly. If you do not push your loved one into assisted living, it can lead to acceptance on their on terms.

They will no longer have to worry about making the various arrangements in their own home. Just because you have asked them to consider assisted living does not mean that they have to. It is also a good idea to let them know that you are concerned with their feelings.


At Golden Bell Senior Living, we understand that some questions require more personalized support. If you have any queries or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We’re here to assist you with any individual needs and ensure you feel supported every step of the way.

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